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LMJS Races

Lake Merritt Joggers & Striders (LMJS) puts on several different runs for the community.

Our Fourth Sunday Runs around Lake Merritt are a long-standing tradition.  The distances offered at these races are a 5K (once around the Lake), a 10K (two times around), and 15K (three times around).

In February, there is the Lake Merritt Relay, a two person relay. 

In May we host the Tilden Tough Ten Miler in Berkeley. This race was established in 1987 as an alternative for more serious runners to the “Bay to Breakers.” It has grown in popularity over the years and now regularly “sells out” every year, with the maximum number allowed by our permit of 300 runners. 

In June we host the challenging Woodmonster Trail Race, an 8.4 mile hilly, cross-country loop on dirt trails in Oakland. 

Upcoming races

  • 23 Feb 2025 8:45 AM
    Come join us at Lake Merritt for one of the East Bay's favorite races!

Preventing Transmission of COVID-19


LMJS will adhere to all pertinent federal, state, and local orders and guidances. In addition, LMJS will follow requirements and recommendations of Road Runners Club of America. Where the orders, guidances, or recommendations differ, LMJS will follow the more stringent policy. 

Recommendations for LMJS Members

LMJS’ Board of Directors has reviewed orders and guidances from the State of California and several localities (Counties of Alameda and Contra Costa, City and County of San Francisco, City of Berkeley). As of 3/2/2021, Alameda and Contra Costa Counties remain in the purple tier, indicating “widespread” or greatest risk. Running outdoors continues to be allowed, with some conditions:

·      Face coverings or masks that cover the mouth and nose must be worn, “even with heavy exertion as tolerated”[i] when within 30 feet of anyone other than members of your household or Social Bubble[ii] (30 feet allows time to put on your face covering when you see or approach another person).

·      Maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from individuals who are not part of your household.

General recommendations to reduce disease transmission:

·      Everyone over the age of 2 years should wear a face covering when outside, even while running, unless there are no people who do not live with you within 30 feet (with a few exemptions).[iii] [iv] [v] Keep a face covering with you and be prepared to put it on when other people are near.

·      Keep 6 feet apart from others unless they live with you.

·      Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or sanitize hands regularly.

·      Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or fabric or, if not possible, cough or sneeze into your sleeve or elbow (not hands).

·      Avoid all social interaction outside the household when sick with a fever, cough, or other COVID-19 symptoms.


[i] Outdoor and Indoor Youth and Recreational Adult Sports (

[ii] Defined in Health Officer Order No. 20-14 (




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