Happy running to all of the great partners in this year's annual Couple's Relay. You can view the preliminary results at Ford Timing's website:
Overall results combined: http://fordtiming.com/Results/2018/COUPLES/OVERALL.HTM
Results by combined age group:: http://fordtiming.com/Results/2018/COUPLES/AGE.HTM
Results by team type (mf, mm, ff): http://fordtiming.com/Results/2018/COUPLES/TEAMTYPE.htm
Individuals doing the 10K: http://fordtiming.com/Results/2018/COUPLES/INDIVIDUAL.HTM
Please contact us if you have any changes to make at schtimpy27@gmail.com. I'll get those sent to Ford Timing and have them ironed out before the final results are posted to the LMJS race database next week.